India Open Source Foundation (IOSF) provides a neutral, democratic, and trusted ecosystem for developers, vendors, users and standard organizations to collaborate for the research and development of Open Source software for various technology domains. It fosters the global open-source ecosystem and builds a common forum to accelerate technology projects and solutions from India by India.

We’re not just an initiative; we’re a dynamic community fostering technological leadership, bringing together the best minds from academia and industry to guide and set new directions. At the heart of IOS-MCN is a dedicated core team, working in harmony with development partners to accelerate and scale our efforts, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of technology evolution.

Aggregation and Standardization

Breaking data silos to enable sharing of public and privately owned data. Converting collected data into understandable format and usable information

Data Analysis

Generating insights from large set of data for creating new applications/services

Secure Collaboration

Mitigating security risk and data fraud, and enhancing transparency and accountability

Use Cases

Creating compelling use cases to address major civic issues and improving ease of living for citizens



Shri Manoj Joshi

Housing and Urban Affairs

Shri Kunal Kumar

Joint Secretary and Mission Director
(Smart Cities Mission), Housing and Urban Affairs

Prof. Govindan Rangarajan

Indian Institute of Science

What sets us apart is our commitment to a robust governance model, built on the principles of technical meritocracy. IOS-MCN draws inspiration from successful global models, ensuring that our platform is not only innovative but also grounded in proven strategies for success. We believe in transparency, accountability, and a collaborative spirit that propels us towards excellence.

Our industry collaborations are a testament to our vision. We’re proud to partner with leading industry players who take on specific sub-projects, bringing real-world expertise to the table. This collaboration ensures that our solutions are not just visionary but also practical and industry-relevant.

Join us in shaping the future of MCN platforms in India. Explore, innovate, and collaborate with IOS-MCN. Together, we are redefining what’s possible in the world of open-source technology.


The project’s governance structure is designed to ensure effective decision-making and strategic oversight, facilitated through dedicated committees established by members from partner organizations. The Governing Board takes on the responsibility of overseeing the project’s overall charter, bylaws, strategy, budget, committee management, and ecosystem engagement on a global scale.

Working in tandem, the Operating Committee (OC) handles day-to-day operations and makes decisions on behalf of the Governing Board. The Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) focuses on the technology strategy, system engineering process, architecture, and sub-project management strategy. Additionally, the Project Management Committee (PMC) oversees sub-project management, quality assurance, documentation, release processes, and sub-project reporting and trials. Each of the Sub Project Teams, such as Team 1, Team 2, Team 3, and so forth, takes ownership of specific deliverables, contributing to the overall success of the project. This collaborative governance approach ensures a comprehensive and well-coordinated effort across the various facets of the project’s development and management.